Mental health and Well-being supports
Helplines for Urgent Support
If you are concerned about something in your life or are feeling overwhelmed and urgently would like to talk to someone please contact:
- You can visit HSEs Mental Health services
- Samaritans helpline at 116 123
- by texting SPUNOUT to 086 1800 280
Mental Health Supports
There are a range of services and supports available if you or somebody you know is experiencing mental health difficulties.
If you are applying for or currently getting social housing support you can talk to your local authority about your mental health needs. You can find details for your local authority.
Please see a guide to Mental health and suicide prevention supports and services
The HSE has a freephone line for information on services and how to access them, you can contact them at 1800 111 888.
Living Well
The HSE is committed to promoting positive physical and mental health. For tips on Living Well and advice on how to stay well and support your mental and physical health.
Headspace Toolkit
The Mental Health Commission (MHC) has published a toolkit to support and empower young people accessing child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) in Ireland. This resource is aimed at young people, and might be useful for families with a young person using CAMHS services.
This toolkit promotes a person-centred support to empower individuals, and their supporters, to be co-creators in their care, recovery and decision-making.
It includes information on:
- what care in an inpatient unit might look like
- an overview of what may happen from admission onwards
- the people that the young patient might meet
- a full explanation of words they may hear and,
- practical information such as what young people can and should bring into hospital.
Click here for the Toolkit and you can find the Headspace support tools here
Mental Health Tenancy Sustainment Officer (TSO)
The Tenancy Sustainment Officer (TSO) service is available across Ireland. This was started under the National Housing Strategy for Disabled People.
Tenancy Sustainment Officers work directly with tenants who need support to manage their tenancy. The officers support tenants moving into a property to live independently. You can ask your local authority about this service.
Map of Mental Health Services & Supports
Interactive map, which shows where you can access different types of mental health services and supports in Ireland.
In the map, you will see where Mental Health Reform (MHR) governing members are located, where there are recovery colleges and where there are crisis cafés (now known as ‘Solace Cafés’).
Solace Cafés are a free service that is given in a friendly and supportive way. They are open in the evenings and the weekends. This is to help people who are feeling vulnerable and in the middle of a crisis. The services are welcoming and safe. They are comfortable like a coffee shop, and not like a doctors waiting room.
Mental Health Community Supports
Age Friendly Ireland is a national support service. The programme provides weekly home visits to people over 65 to support them to live in their home with dignity and respect. For more information see the Age Friendly website | |
If you are over 60 years old and in need of advice, support or information, please call the Alone National Support and Referral Line. You can call this seven days a week from 8am to 8pm. Alone provides a befriending service for over 55s. For more information visit the Alone Website National support line: 0818 222 024 | |
Aware is a national support for people with depression, bipolar disorder, postnatal depression or suicidal thoughts. The service also provides support the loved ones of people experiencing these problems. There is a telephone helpline, a network of support groups around the country and online supports including information on symptoms, possible treatments and self-help options. To find a support group near you visit the Aware website Aware Support Line is 1800 80 48 48 and is available Monday – Sunday, 10am to 10pm. | |
Clubhouse is an innovative, member led community based model for people with mental health difficulties. The Clubhouse offers life-long membership and support to members to help people have a positive social and economical productive life within the community. Find out if there is a clubhouse near you on the Clubhouse website | |
Family peer support is a support service for family members and friends, who need supports and guidance for themselves when someone they love is experiencing a mental health challenge. This service operates in Galway, Mayo and Roscommon. For more information see the Family Peer Support website. | |
The Family Resource center provide a range of services and development opportunities for families, including: > Information & Advice > A point for onward referrals to other services > Education courses and training opportunities. > Supporting new community groups to meet local needs > Local level family help (e.g. childcare facilities, after-school clubs, men’s groups, etc.) > Individual and group counselling and support. > Developing capacity and leadership within communities. > Supporting personal and group development. > Access to information technology and office facilities for the community For more information and to find a Family Resource Centre near you visit the Family Resource Center Website | |
Grow is a community of people drawn together by first-hand experiences of mental health problems. Meetings are held weekly in locations all over Ireland. Having found practical ways of helping each other recover from mental health challenges the Grow Program has been developed. This is a proven 12 Step Program is used to support recovery from various forms of mental health problems. For more information visit: | |
Involvement Centres are peer led recovery spaces run by volunteers. They offer a warm welcoming place where mental health difficulties are understood to be part of life and are accepted in a non-judgmental way. People can drop in for a cup of tea, a chat and get involved. Volunteers and visitors to the centre develop the programs and activities. Involvement Centres are open to everyone. You can “dip in and out” of the Involvement Centre as you wish. Find out if there is an involvement centre near you see Involvement Centres website. | |
Jigsaw offer free therapy and expert mental health support, both online and in person, to children and young adults across Ireland aged 12-25. Find out more at Visit | The National Centre for Youth Mental Health | |
Samaritans is a charity in Ireland offering emotional support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to anyone who is in distress, lonely, struggling to cope or feeling suicidal. For Samaritans helpline ring 116 123 Find out more at Samaritans Ireland | |
Spunout is Ireland’s youth information and support platform, working towards an Ireland where all young people are supported and empowered to thrive. Find out more at Youth-Driven Support and Information | spunout |