Feedback and Safeguarding

Feedback and Safeguarding

The HSE provides a broad range of health and social care services across Ireland.  Some services are provided by the HSE and others are provided by voluntary organisations and charities, especially in the disability sector. There are also services provided in other sectors.



The HSE takes feedback from people who use their service through what is called “Your Service Your Say”.

Positive comments and compliments are shared with the service or staff member, so that they can learn and build on what they do well.

Complaints or negative comments are looked into and a report is produced. An action plan is put in place to make any improvements from the report suggestions and recommendations.

More information on ‘Your Service Your Say: The Management of Service User Feedback’.



If you or anyone you know have a concern about abuse or neglect of a vulnerable person in a HSE or HSE funded residential facility, you should report it to a health care professional like a public health nurse, physiotherapist or GP. You can also report it to a Safeguarding and Protection Teams (SPTs) in your local health area.

Logo for Safeguarding Ireland

For more information and advice on promoting the safeguarding of any adult who may be vulnerable, please see the Safeguarding website.

You can report any concern you have here.

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