Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


This Privacy Notice provides you, the data subjects (i.e. visitors of this website) with information about the processing of personal data by the Housing Agency that maintains this website i.e.

This website is a tool for you to find the information on housing and supports you need to access independent living. This website has been developed by The Housing Agency with the input of other stakeholders as part of the National Housing Strategy for Disabled People 2022-2027.

As this website has been designed to facilitate and disseminate information regarding schemes and grants administered and delivered by the Local Authorities, it does not collect store or process personal data.

Who We Are

The Housing Agency, located at 53 Mount Street Upper, Dublin, Ireland, is a non-departmental state agency under aegis of the Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH). The Housing Agency has been assigned the role of providing information regarding accessing independent living. This notice therefore only applies to this website i.e. Details about how the Housing Agency processes your personal data for the Schemes it administers and delivers can be found at its website.

Collection, Processing and Retention of Personal Data

As the purpose of this website is to facilitate access and to disseminate information regarding independent living, the website does not collect, process or store personal data.

Once you navigate away from this website, for instance to visit a Local Authority’s website, this Privacy Notice ceases to apply and any personal data that you may provide to other websites will be processed as per the Privacy Notice of that website. We advise you to read the Privacy Notice of any other website that you may navigate to prior to providing your personal data.

Some of our webpages may display video content hosted on external websites, such as YouTube. These websites are outside the control of the Housing Agency. To learn about how they process your personal data, we suggest you review their privacy notices.

Security and Sharing of Personal Data

The Housing Agency does not collect, process or store your personal data through this website. Therefore, no personal data is shared with any third parties. The Housing Agency however will implement sufficient technical and administrative measures to allow you to access information on this website.

International Data Transfers

Since no personal data is collected, no personal data is transferred internationally.


Cookies are a form of technology used in the delivery and analysis of a website. When you visit a website, small text files are placed on your device temporarily. Some cookies are functional and necessary. Other cookies are used for marketing and analysis purposes.

Your Rights as an Individual

The Housing Agency does not collect, store or process any of your personal data through this website. However, your rights as individuals are provided under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018). For a detailed description of your rights and how to exercise them, please check the Privacy Notices of the concerned Local Authority’s website. Should you wish to exercise any of your rights, please contact the Data Protection Officers of the concerned Local Authority.

Data Protection Officer (DPO)

The Housing Agency has duly appointed Trilateral Research Limited as the Data Protection Officer (DPO). If you need to contact the Housing Agency DPO directly, you can do so by phone or email. Email: Tel: +353 1 657 1978.

This notice is kept under regular review and is therefore subjected to change.

Last Updated: 08/09/2023


The Housing Agency has been assigned the role of providing information on how to access independent living.  While every care has been taken in the compilation of the information on this website, the Housing Agency will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as result of any inaccuracy or error within.

Should you need to rely on information provided in these pages, please obtain separate confirmation from the Housing Agency that the information is correct.

The Housing Agency does not maintain any of the websites provided as links, so assumes no responsibility for their content nor does any link constitute any endorsement of any website, its sponsor or its content.

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