How to Apply for Assistive Technology (AT)
The HSE offers many different types of aids, appliances, and Assistive Technology (AT) for individuals with specific needs to support their daily lives. These can be moving and handling aids, standing and walking aids mobility aids, aids for daily living, beds and bed aids, therapeutic aids, and wheeled mobility aids. There are several health professionals who can prescribe aids, appliances and AT, such as:
- Physiotherapists
- Occupational therapists
- Public health nurses
- Speech and language therapists
- Clinical engineers with the appropriate skills and competencies
When getting appliances or AT, the most important factor is its suitability for your specific circumstances. A healthcare professional will look at your situation based on an assessment criteria. A more detailed assessment rule will be applied based on the specific aid, appliance, or AT being considered. The assessment steps are detailed below:
- A trained healthcare professional assesses you to confirm the clinical need for the aid/appliance.
- The equipment chosen prioritises your safety and efficiency, as well as that of any carer(s).
- Your living environment is checked to ensure it’s suitable for the prescribed aid/appliance.
- Any clinical or manufacturer’s warnings against use are taken into consideration.
- The prescribed appliance meets your essential clinical requirements only, avoiding unnecessary features.
- You and/or your carer(s) consent to using the prescribed aid/appliance.
- You and/or your carer(s) understand and agree to your responsibilities regarding the loan agreement.
Key Organisations and Resources
AT in Ireland plays a significant role in enhancing the quality of life for Disabled people by helping them perform functions that might otherwise be difficult or impossible. Below is an overview of the assistive technology landscape in Ireland, including resources, services, and key organisations involved in providing AT.

Enable Ireland Assistive Technology Service
Enable Ireland provides AT services including assessments, training, and support for individuals with disabilities. They offer a range of options from communication devices to mobility aids and computer access technology.
- AT assessments and consultations
- Training on the use of AT
- Loan library of AT devices
- Advice on funding options

National Council for Special Education (NCSE)
The NCSE provides resources and support for AT in educational settings, ensuring that students with disabilities have access to the necessary technology to aid their learning.
- AT grants for schools
- Support and training for educators on AT

AHEAD is an independent non-profit organization working to create inclusive environments in education and employment for disabled people. The main focus of their work is further education and training, higher education and graduate employment. They provide useful tools for discovering what assistive technology you might need to help in your daily life. Follow the links below to discover more.